About GSMath

Our Goals

  1. Work closely with the National Math Alliance with the ultimate goal of substantially increasing the annual Ph.D. production in the mathematical sciences for under-represented groups (e.g., ethnic minorities, women, first-generation college students) within the next five years.
  2. Build a regional community that will help students make critical transitions (e.g., high school to postsecondary education, community college to a four-year college, college to graduate school) in the mathematical sciences. This will be done by establishing a strong network of faculty in key institutions and gradually spreading the network to more institutions. These faculty members will work together to recruit new students each year from regional high schools and regional community colleges, and such efforts, although individually modest, will have a snowball effect. The National Math Alliance already has a strong network of undergraduate mentors from the key institutions in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. GSMath will coordinate these efforts and will also work closely with the National Math Alliance to help interested students pursue and graduate studies in the mathematical sciences.
  3. Facilitate efforts among the regional institutions so that their students can be involved in undergraduate research experiences. GSMath will help to provide infrastructure and support and to bring the working parties together.
  4. Build a community in the Gulf States region. The targeted student population will be those having little contact with institutions offering graduate studies in the mathematical sciences. We expect that about 80% of such students will be under-represented minorities. We will target students in all mathematical sciences and math education, except for those students whose stated goal is to teach at the secondary level.
  5. Provide support and resources for alliance members. This will include recruiting new mentors and institutional members, strengthening collaboration among existing members, and expanding opportunities for faculty and student members.


Our members are mathematical scientists appointed as faculty at the following minority-serving institutions, regional public and private colleges, and research universities affiliated with the National Math Alliance in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas:




Executive Board

Phyllis Okwan

PhD, Science and Mathematics Education

Associate Professor of Mathematics, Southern University and A&M College

Roderick Holmes

PhD, Mathematics

Associate Professor and Interim Chair, Texas Southern University

Theresa Martines, PhD

PhD, Mathematics

Assistant Professor of Instruction, University of Texas at Austin

Jianzhong Su, PhD

PhD, Mathematics

Professor and Chair, University of Texas at Arlington

Michelle Lacey

PhD, Statistics

Professor of Mathematics and Adjunct Professor of Biostatistics, Tulane University


  • Each year GSMath holds a conference at one of our member institutions. Our 2025 Conference will be held at Southern University at New Orleans from February 14-16, supported by funding from the National Science Foundation. Please click here for conference information! Information, agendas, and photos from past conferences are available here
  • The annual Field of Dreams Conference is the flagship event of the National Math Alliance and is held at rotating locations during the month of November.

Get Involved

For Students: Find a Math Alliance Mentor

For Faculty: Become a Math Alliance Mentor

Want to learn more about GSMath? Contact Dr. Phyllis Okwan or any other member of the Executive Board for additional information